Sunday, May 20, 2012

What a weekend

I am toast, beat, fried, wicked sore and I feel fabulous. I worked out in my yard again today for six hours. It was 90 degrees. I hurt all over, but it's that good hurt. I'm already in bed. I fell asleep on the couch and decided for my husband's sake, I'd come to bed now. I didn't want him to try to move me later after my muscles seize up. I"'ll write more tomorrow, but right now I must sleep. I just hope I can move tomorrow to go to work.


  1. Good for you! There is nothing better for the soul than a little hard work, and I'm betting you slept like a baby. The question is, are you able to move today? I usually overdo it a bit and pay for it later, but it feels so good at the time! I'm glad you had a productive weekend!

  2. It's weird, I actually wasn't nearly as sore this morning as I was yesterday. The human body is amazing in how quickly it adapts. I'll bet if I could do it everyday, I wouldn't have to workout and I'd be fit as a fiddle and have so much to show for it instead of walking no where on a treadmill and lifting weights etc.
