Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Kreativ Blogger Award

Ken over at ken-inatractor bestowed this award on me over the weekend. Thank you very much Ken. I'm smiling from ear to ear and feeling warm and fuzzy inside. I just wish I could figure out how to put this on my page. I got a different award a few weeks back and I'd really like to display them proudly.

So anyway, here's how this goes:

1. Thank and link back to the awarding blog.
2. Answer seven questions.
3. Provide 10 random factoids about yourself.
4. Hand the award on to 7 deserving others.

#1. What is your favorite song?

That depends entirely on my mood. I love all music. I mean I listen to country, classical, rock, jazz, rap, pop, you name it I listen to it. If you saw the selection in my IPod, you'd think it had to be from several different people. But lately I love the song by Kelly Clarkson "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" because of what I've been going through lately and it always seems to play right when I need to hear it.

#2 What is your favorite dessert?

Anything with caramel. I love that stuff. I can just eat caramel sauce with a spoon and be in heaven.

#3 What do you do when you are upset?

Depends on what kind of upset. For instance when my mom suddenly died, or my son went to Iraq, or I had to put my dog to sleep, I bawled for days. I can't eat or think. I just sort of sit and stare and cry. I also sleep. I think it's an escape for me.
But if you mean upset as in angry, I usually shut down and hold it in. If I'm being confronted, I cry, which makes me even more angry. Then after a bit of processing, I pull myself up by the boot straps and start being proactive instead of reactive and try to do something about whatever happened to make me angry in the first place.

#4 Which is your favorite pet?

I'm a cat person. I've had cats since I was 6 months old. But I also love dogs. Currently I have a 20 lb Maine Coon named Ducati, that is the bestest cat ever. He has an amazing personality and I just love him to pieces. But I also have a beagle named Biscotti. She is gentle and loving and as sweet as can be.

#5 Which do you prefer, white or wheat?

Definitely, wheat, in fact the more grains and seeds the better.

#6 What is your biggest fear?

I used to say heights, but it's actually the possibility of falling from someplace high, so I guess it's falling, which I guess actually translates to pain...yeah, pain. I'm afraid of pain.

#7 What is your attitude mostly?

This question I had to think about. It's asking for my attitude, not my mood. I'd have to say my attitude is to do the right thing, help others, be a good wife, mother, friend and generally good person. You know, follow the golder rule. If I am able to do those things, I will feel good about myself and be happy. 

Now the fun part, 10 random facts about me:

 I have 4 kids. I am from a family of 4 kids. My mom was from a family of 4 kids as was my grandmother.

I was born in Honolulu, Hawaii. I was a Navy brat. My dad was stationed there at the time. My first swim was in the Pacific Ocean when I was 6 weeks old.

I met my husband on a blind date set up by mutual friends. We just celebrated our 30th anniversary.

I have been in 2 horrible roll over car accidents and walked away from both with just scratches.

I once flew under the Golden Gate Bridge with my husband in his airplane...shhhh!

I met Nicholas Cage and Sean Penn when they were filming "Racing With The Moon" in front of the store where I worked.

I had 5 surgeries in 4 years. 3 were cancer related.

I quit smoking 9 years ago because my son asked me to. I tossed the pack in the garbage right then and never looked back.

I almost choked to death 4 months ago on a piece of popcorn. I was blacking out when my husband did the Heimlich and saved my life.

There were over 1000 entries in a Lego naming contest for the astrobots edition when NASA was going to Mars. The names I entered and won with were Biff Starling and Sandy Moondust. I won the Lego set featuring them and a rocket. My son was very pleased.

Now the hard part...picking out 7 people to give this lovely award to.

The Little Big Blog @ Little Big
Good Girl Gone Redneck @ Good Girl
I Like Beer and Babies @ I like Beer
Creative Devolution @ Creative Devolution
Dooce @ dooce
Telling Dad @ Telling Dad
A Little Bit of Sanity and a lot of Chaos @ sanityandchaos

I hope you all continue to write and make the world happy!


  1. Hey girlie....CONGRATS! I LOVE AWARDS, DOESN'T EVERYONE????....go to your design layout and click on add a gadget. Find the one that says add a photo gadget. then follow the steps. Copy the URL/address from the award buttons and paste it where it says "image" (and uncheck the box that says shrink to fit... it took me several tries to get it....good luck.
    and I love this Q&A. Now I know just a little more about you!

  2. Oh my gosh, thank you so much! It worked. Do you know how many times I have tried to do that?
    I love question and answer things too. It tells a lot about people you may not have ever known. Also the random things. Those are always great. How are you doing by the way?

  3. You are welcome...Actually, I posted a blog asking for help. Ken-inatractor came through for me. I had been working for hours trying to figure it out. And it turned out to be so simple.

    Me? I'm just trying to deal. There comes a time you just need to own up to your choices, good or bad, and live with what you've chosen, right? Well, I'm trying. It ain't so easy.

    So glad for you. Love to hear good news.

    1. Isn't Robin awesome? And Ken? Congrats on this award Cyndi Lou :)

      Robin I just want to say that 1/2 of me in my hell world of mistakes and being stuck and trapped felt like I needed to own up to my mistakes snd live with bad choices. Like that's what I get, that's what I deserve for making those choices. Like my own punishment. Or like I thought that's what being an adult meant. I'd just have to suck it up. But I think that was coming from my own self hatred. I think it's bollocks now. Everyone makes bad choices all the time and no one is as hard as we are on ourselves. In fact the nicest people are often the meanest to themselves. No one deserves to pay for choices their whole lives. Everyone deserves forgiveness and the opportunity to live a happy life. You deserve happiness. You do.

      Cindy, wow! You have been through so much! I appreciate knowing all these things. Oh girl wow you are a cancer survivor. And you flew under the gg?! WTF! ;) I love caramel too!

    2. Robin, you have to stop beating yourself up. I know that I was my own worst enemy for a very long time. We make mistakes and bad choices our whole lives beginning with when we were children. But this is how we grow and learn. It's not so you can keep reliving the mistakes and choices. We are supposed to learn, move on and do better next time. I think it was Maya Angelou that said "We do the best we can do until we know better". I try to do that. Robin, you have to give yourself a break. Whatever you did, whatever choice you made (maybe someday you can talk about it and tell us, I think it would help), but in the meantime, you need to forgive yourself. Learn from that choice and do better. Robin, let it go and love yourself. Take care of yourself. Forgive yourself.
