Monday, May 14, 2012

What an honor!!!

I am so excited, I have been nominated for the Liebster Award by Pish Posh. I feel so honored. I haven't been at this a long time. I started a different blog last year and was really getting the hang of it and then due to work and family issues, was forced to shut it down. I feel like I am finally getting back in to the swing of things and then I get this honor. Thanx for the heaping helping of confidence.
So the rules are to link back to the person that honored you and then link back to the one that gave you the award and then nominate 5 others you feel worthy of it. So drumroll please...

Pish Posh: This woman has saved my life on numerous occasions. She can be piss your pants funny one minute and kicking your ass with common sense the next. She started "The Challenge" 10 weeks ago and it has not only helped me, but many others. She is an inspiration helping others while having to deal with a lot of her own personal shit. She also does a cooking segment every Saturday, and let me just say, her sandwiches are freaking amazing! All I know is she has become on of my best friends, it's like we've known each other forever. Pish, love you, you are the best! Thank you!

Next just has to be "Jen" e sais quoi: This gal is a total crack up. Being from my home state and living in the same city as my kids, I can totally relate to her stories. She's smart, funny and her analagies just kill me every damn time. She also has this weekly posting of great food in Portland, perfect for when I visit my kids and they say "where do you want to go eat mom?" This last trip it was Pine State Bisquits and it was a winner winner chicken dinner!!! Keep up the great writing Jen.

Then comes Facebooking from the Edge: This girl is funny as shit. She was drug away from northern California to the upper part of New York state by her husband. Everytime I read her blog I laugh out loud. She has a way of putting you right there when she slips and falls, has issues with her neighbors, her dogs, the grocery store, her husband etc. She has sons in the military as do I. Her stuff is always relevent and she usually has pictures to make her point. Always good for a laugh. love her!

And what can I say about this woman? The Cowardly Feminist. She has been a godsend when it comes sticky situations at work. She has an e-book that will make you laugh your ass off and help you better understand shit at your own job. Her stories are well written and very relateable. Thanx Vesta!

Kisatrtle's Kreative Korner: love her Lunch Lady stories. She has also been a part of the Challenge and been sharing her struggles with the rest of us. She has crafts, tips and is just down to earth funny.

Thoughts and Reflection: Robin is another wonderful woman I met as part of Pish's Challenge and she has been cheering me on like a really good friend. She shares everything and makes you feel like you are chatting with a good friend. Hope things get better.

But I can't stop here, there a couple of others I must mention, There is Dooce over at, Ken at, Turtle Tracks at, and last but not least, The Transformed Non Conformist at I had to mention all these people too. They are either new or new to me and make me laugh everyday.

I care about each of you and I hope we all continue to stay in touch and that you all continue to do what you do, because you are making a in difference in people's lives. Bless you all.


  1. Aw shucks! I'm a big fan of Dani, Pish, Jen and Brett too, now I need to check out the others you mentioned!

  2. Thanks, Girl! Give me a shout-out next time you're in P-Town and we'll hit the food trucks! :)

  3. Thank you...I appreciate you thinking of me and for your kind words! Can't wait to check out the others.....yes, we shall stay in touch. It's great to have a network of friends who inspire and lift you up!

  4. Oh mah woooord!! A major award! Thanks, doll! I've had a heck of a time getting to your blog so I'm thrilled that you gave me a link that works! Every time I click on your name it tells me that no blogs can be found. Friggin' blogger.

    Meanwhile, I'm truly honored. I love knowing that somewhere in the world, people are laughing because of my really hideous karma.


  5. I was just reading through your posts and was pleasantly surprised to find that you have tagged me as one that you like to read. Thank you so much for that. I'll be stopping by on a regular basis from now on. Well....not just because you said nice things about me but because i want to. The nice things was nice though. :)

  6. Thank you Cindy Lou Who, my friendship with you means so much to me. I am so grateful that we found each other. It's our responsibility to make sure the other is taking care of themselves, and is working towards the life they deserve.
