Saturday, May 5, 2012

Pish Posh Challenge

Well, these past weeks pretty much kicked my ass and took no prisoners. I sucked at the challenge for 2 weeks. It was actually all I could do just to get out of bed in the morning and put one foot in front of the other. I think I only worked out once the whole time. I put on 3 pounds, which makes me mad, because I was making some headway. But these last couple of days, I have felt a little better, more energy, lighter etc. Today I spent 3 hours cleaning up my garden area. It hasn't been trimmed or attended to since last fall. You should have seen how long some of the roots were I pulled on. Amazing! But then after that I came in and worked out for another 45 minutes. It wasn't too bad. I don't think I lost a lot of my strength or endurance. It makes me mad how I could be just doing fabulous, things looking up and then WHAM! 6 pegs down and feeling hopeless. I have a doctor's appointment on Monday and I am going to talk to her about how easy it was for my mood to tank. Does that mean I wasn't doing as well as I thought? Or was it just the series of events? In any case, I need to find out, because I can't hit that bottom was bad this time. Anyway, I'm back with new determination and goals. Only 4 more weeks of work and then we go to break. I'll be busy with my son's wedding, my garden and some relaxation etc. I also will do some soul searching to try to figure out what I want to do with my life. I need to change some things, just need to decide in what way I will. So for the next few weeks, I am going to work out as much as possible, get more done in preparation for planting the yard and garden. I will eat well, get rest and just hang on. We are going to Portland for Mother's Day weekend, so I have that to look forward to.

1 comment:

  1. In a lot of ways you and I are in a similar situation. The next 4 weeks are going to be soul-searching weirdness that can produce new happiness or old fears, depending upon how brave we are, and how willing to make some changes.

    Don't beat yourself up over a drop because you got right back on the saddle. I am glad you are going to talk to your doctor. That's so important - extremes can be really terrifying. I'm going to have my thyroid checked.

    Having a wedding, mother's day, gardening, and no more work situation is going to be really good for you, I can tell! Maybe we can plan books to read, things to do, happy stuff, and good ways to find our paths.
