Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I'm Gonna Cut Me a Bitch!

I'm serious people. This evil woman is just pushing and pushing. Today she was walking around the outer office, moving shit around, I didn't see it, I was up in the vault pulling records. But the receptionist was there and asked what she was doing. Now this evil woman has serious issues with leaving things the hell alone. She has rearranged her little 8x10 office about 20 times so far this year. Anyway, she says to the receptionist, "I'm thinking of moving Cindy out here and move into her office". WAIT, WHAT, she said what??? Oh she thinks so huh? I mean it was her idea years ago before I started there to put the registrar's office where it is, because of all the confidential stuff you work on and it needs to be a locked room.

But then it hit me. Hahahahaha, she wants to play, okay I'll play. She wants me to throw a shitfit. She wants me to get all upset. She thinks it's just one more way she can stick it to me. But here's the deal. When I first started at this school, I worked in the alternative education dept. with the receptionist. We are good friends. So, tomorrow, I am going to haul all the senior files out of the vault and bring them into our outer office, where I'll set up a table and chair and start going through them all. We do this every year. We take out certain documents that we have to keep for several years. We give students their picture card and anything else we think they might want and the rest gets shredded.

While I work away on this project, my friend and I will be able to laugh, talk about our kids, what our plans are for the summer etc. just like we used to do when we worked in the classroom together. I'll even maybe let it slip that it feels like old times, maybe I should move out here instead of having a wall between us, stuff like that. Act like I wouldn't care at all if I was moved out. I plan on having fun with this one! Hey you gotta get your kicks anyway you can and boy I could sure use a laugh or 2.

So what do you all think?

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