Monday, May 14, 2012


So I spend hours...well a lot of time on this post, then saved it. Then went to send it to everybody and it was gone, just poof! So I start this new one and it goes somewhere too. So then I do this 3rd one and I'm just sort of throwing stuff out and writing, figuring I'm going to lose it anyway, but guess what? Not this time...So it's on the blog, because I'm lazy and I don't want to do it again.


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I have had what you describe above happen on more than a few ocassions... I work hard on a great post, and poof it's gone, the second effort isn't quite as good but ok, gone again! Like you, by that time I just don't care and don't have the energy to rewrite. Time to take a break and try again another day! I loved that you went ahead and put this up for us... so you posted, good work! Blogging is not a perfect world! :-) HUGS

  2. PS - I'll definitely be stopping by again, but please consider taking off the word verification thing unless spam becomes a major problem, it's really a pain in the rear to figure out those words and get them typed right! :-)
