Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I Honestly Don't Know How Much More I Can Take

Today at 3pm I get an email from the current principal that "the evil one" has completely screwed up the schedule. Now this has been one of my main jobs the last 4 years. She hasn't asked for my help, my input, nothing. It's a very intense process that takes months. We generally start in March. She just started last week and said that it was so easy. We usually send out polling forms and course catalogs to all the students and they write down their classes and electives for the upcoming school year, she didn't do it. She just was doing her own thing and going by last years schedule with her "improvements".

The next step once we get all the info, Is I enter all the data into our computer program. That's 650 students times 20+ choices. That let's us know how many sections of each class we will need to offer. So if there are 60 kids that want Art 1 that means we need to offer 2 sections to fulfill their wishes and so on and so forth.

Then we take that info,and start placing all these magnets with each class written on them on a huge schedule board. Once we get it all figured out making sure there aren't any conflicts (or as few as possible) I then get to put all that info into the computer program.

I have to put in the time, the room number, the class and the teacher for each class. We are on a trimester system with 5 classes a day. So it's a shit load of info to put in and I have to do it while I also do my job. It takes focus and concentration. You can't screw up or you could have 2 teachers in one room or the same class twice and so on. It's one of the reasons we start the process the week before spring break which is the last week in March.

Then we start computer simulations where the program starts putting students in classes. After a few runs, we see where we are at. It will let us know where the conflicts are etc. we then make adjustments and do it again. This goes back and forth until we get as many as we can to schedule by computer...usually 1/2 to 2/3. Then the rest have to be done by hand.

Well, the principal told me in this email, that it's now going to be my job to get it done by the end of school...WTF? We have 15 school days left. We have senior check out next week. That takes me a whole day. I have to go in to each of their transcripts and mark graduated and put in the date. That's another day. We have the day of graduation, which is an all day ordeal, plus I have to work it that night (usually until 10 pm) and then go to work the next day.

Then we have the rest of the student body check out day. I have to print out all the report cards, stuff and mail them. Then I have to print out all the seniors transcripts and send them to all the colleges of their choice, after signing and putting our official seal on each and every one. I have to pull all the seniors files to put into storage to make room for all the incoming freshmen. I have several reports I have to run for the district office and the state board of education.

I don't know how I am supposed to do it. The stress I am feeling right now is crushing. Working at a maximum security prison sounds like a walk in the park. What the hell do I do you guys? I'm afraid that this has been her plan all along to give me the final up the ass. Do I bust my ass and get it done no matter what to just show everyone I can do it. Or do I just do what I can and if it doesn't get done, oh well.

Any advice would be awesome.


  1. Document the situation you are placed in. Communicate it in writing. Document document document everything that she did to put you in this situation.

    And then, personally, I would just do it. Better that way, right?

    That sucks, sorry.

    1. And it's who I am. I will not let her change me into her. I will bust my ass to get it done, because that is who I am. I'll do it for the kids and the teachers.

    2. Exactly. Don't let her affect how you see yourself. You know who you are. You're awesome :)

  2. It's just my opinion, but if the prison job is there for you, i think i'd walk away. To me it seems that busting your ass to get this done now would just be putting yourself back under somebody's boot heel that likes having you there. It sucks for the good things you would leave behind, like the students, but really, would you feel good about saving the day for "the evil one" in the end? She would get the work done for her, come out smelling like a rose, and you'd be her bitch. Sorry, that might be harsh but from what i've read here, i don't think you'd be happy.

    However, if you feel obligated to seeing the year through to the end, would it be possible to talk to the principal, tell him how uncomfortable it would be stepping in now when "the evil one" has taken up this mantel of schedule's. How it would make you feel so bad about taking this over from her when she has worked so hard on it. How you're certain that she can pull this off, and that you could focus on all this, end of the year stuff while "the evil one" sinks her own ship?

    Either way, you can't bail her out on this. If anything is done wrong by mistake in the short time left to do it, she'll twist it back onto it all being your fault.

    ......just my thought.

  3. That's exactly what I told my husband if I save the day, she'll take the credit. If I don't get it done, it will be my fault. Argh! This is so hard. I don't want the kids and teachers to suffer. That's my biggest concern. Thanks for your help. You remind me of my brother. You are very wise.

  4. Ken's advice is excellent too. I want it to be clear and documented what she did, the situation she created, and what you are doing, and that should be documented and communicated to the principal.

    Have you visited the prison yet?

    Would she sink her own ship or would you be blamed?

    Ken is not wrong.

  5. Then find a way for her to get in trouble if it doesn't get done, or for YOU to get the credit if it does.

    Again, communicate, get it all in writing, and let the decision fall on the higher authority. Find a way to turn this back on her. The principal just wants the work to get done. So he doesn't want to hear whining.

    You've got to find a way through this. Also document it for your caseworker lady.

  6. "I'll see what I can do within such a short notice."
