Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Hump Day

Well, I have made it halfway through the week without having an anxiety attack. I think finding out about the new job possibility gives me hope. I still haven't heard a word from my union's been over 3 weeks now! And that's why we pay dues, right? Been working on getting a bunch of letters of recommendation from teachers and staff for job hunting this summer in case this other gig doesn't work out. I've got 6 so far and everyone goes on and on about how awesome I am and yet I got the worst evaluation ever and fake no gettie. The thing that makes this new job the best,is it starts right away. Which means I can leave without giving my 2 weeks notice because it's still in our district. Now the person that "fired" me is in charge of scheduling this year. That is the main thing I do this time of year. I'm the only one left in the building that knows how to schedule with our system...except the office manager who also was partly responsible for the shit that hit the fan a few weeks ago. So if I get the new job, it is going to screw the 2 of them real bad. They may have to work their whole summer on it...oh darn, do I feel bad about that. bwahahaha! I heard karma's a bitch, just have never seen it in action. But will it give me bad juju if I celebrate it?


  1. They deserve what they get. It's only human to relish the idea of them getting their just desserts. But don't spend too much time dwelling on it because ultimately their shitty actions helped you reach for your stars. I hope you get this job but even if you don't I hope you really pay attention to the fact your coworkers are all willing to recommend you = that wouldn't be the case unless you were you.

  2. Karma? Hmmm. still waiting on some to get theirs!!!! LOL
    good luck on a new job opportunity. you need and deserve it.
    by the way....thanks so much for the sweet comment the other day. Yes, it's nice to get a little "pick-me-up" when you need it. I'm here for you as well....
