Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Give me courage

Well, I went to the doctor yesterday to bring her up to speed on how The Evil Witch has made my life a living hell ever since the mock firing (that's what I'm calling it until it's sorted out) and after listening to everything she asked "You do know that she is mind fucking you right?" Gotta love this doctor, she calls them as she sees them. So she told me on top of documenting everything that she does and says, she also wants me to document the good things I do. To not only show if and when there is ever a hearing, but also to remind myself that I am a good person and worthy of praise. So today, the student that I helped last week suddenly appears in my office and gives me a big hug and says Thank you so much Mrs.__________. My dad and I got the parts installed on my truck and I'm caught up in my classes, now all I have to do is stay on track and I'll be able to graduate. And he left with the biggest smile on his face. I wrote that down. It felt so good that I made a difference.


  1. Yay for you! See...you can make a difference and you did. and he even thanked you for it! I think that's great and well deserved!

  2. That's awesome. Remember those moments and hold on to them. I do.

    Don't let anyone make your life hell. I hate my situation too and I am trying to tell myself that I am in control of how much I let it tear me apart and how much I let it be my life. Remember, we are making changes :)

    We are doing great :)

    And you don't have to put up with this shit!
